July 20, 2017
Over 1000 people in Gurku Nassarawa State Nigeria experienced a new way of thinking about food. It was a community nutrition awareness program enlightening them on the types of healthy food and hygiene culture they needed to imbibe. They were thought how to include vegetables in their food, cook and preserve healthy meals, eat variety of fruits, plant variety of foods & vegetables, avoid food waste, manage bad water conditions, maintain a clean environmental culture and manage health issues.
Bad hygiene myths were corrected and proper well researched sustainable nutrition solutions were given. Critical questions were raised and sustainable answers were given.
This initiative included the feeding and distribution of Highly Nutritious Quality and Healthy meals. Yam Porridge with Green Vegetables, Archer Legumes and Beans, Masa and Groundnut Soup with Brisket Bones and Green Vegetables. To go with the meal was a Garden Egg Fruit.
This project was inspired by the #ZeroHunger #HealthyNotHungry World Food Programme Campaign for Sustainable Development Goals. #Goal2 #GlobalGoals.
Orienting Food International
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