Roast Plantain And Roast Fish
August 4, 2013
One recipe that i will always recommend for any kind of treat is Plantain.
It’s easy to come by and prepare.
It’s easy to come by and prepare.
A twist that i have been loving lately is the Roast one with Roast Fish and Fried “spicy hot pepper” stew!!.
Gosh its yum….it’s filling, aromatic and just ideal for that long awaited hunger quench.
For 2 Servings…….
The Main Ingredients;
-4 Big Size Ripe Plantain or 6 Medium Size Plantain
-2 Big Pieces of whole Fish – Croaker Fish
-Vegetable Oil
-Dry grounded pepper.
-Fresh Pepper (Chili-Tomato-Bell Pepper)
-Spice (Thyme-parsley-coriander-stork cube)
The Procedure;
You can either roast your plantain in an oven or use an open grill, but preferably use an open grill. The one that burns with Charcoal makes food taste better..*winks*
Heat charcoals to start preparing the grill for cooking, same for the oven, heat up oven to get it ready for cooking-200 degrees Maximum. Heat for 15 minutes before you place any food on top.
What this means is that you have to get your plantain and fish ready for cooking in 15 minutes…….yes!…
The Plantain…….
Peel ripe plantain, make sure you get one that is not so ripe.
Do not dice or cut plantain
Rub a bit of salt on the body and dry pepper if you like.
Use a blunt knife to line the plantain from top to bottom.
Then place on the heated grill or oven.
The Fish…...
Croacker is a very good type of fish to use for this.
Wash fish thoroughly and line the 2 sides with a sharp not cut. This is just to ensure the fish has a bit of opening for your spices to penetrate through.
Marinate Fish with Spices above.
Squeeze 2 limes on the fish.
Deep fish in Blended Fresh Pepper
Bring out of fresh pepper
then sprinkle some dry pepper on it….
Add a bit of salt and stork cube to taste.
Stuff the 2 sides of the fish with fresh onions, dry parsley and dry coriander….( if you can use a fresh one lucky you).
Then Place Fish on the grill or in oven.
While the Marinating of the fish is going on, ensure you are checking on the plantain and turning it from side to side.
Roast Plantain for like 20 Minutes… roast fish for like 35 minutes. Between 15 minutes intervals turn the fish from side to side.
N.B You can grill the plantain and fish at the same time, on the same grill, just ensure you keep checking on the plantain so it doesn’t burn.
The Sauce………….
On the Other side….lit up your burner…..
Heat vegetable oil in frying pan till its hot enough,
Add onions, sprinkle some thyme on it, stork cubes and other spices of your choice
Then add your remaining fresh pepper and leave it to fry.
This is a good side sauce that goes with the roast plantain.
1) Place Plantain on a flat plate horizontally, place your grill fish on the side, sprinkle some fried fresh pepper sauce on it.
2) Tear plantain to pieces on the plate, cut fish into half, place fish on plantain diagonally on each other, then add some sauce on top.
3) Pour some sauce in a bowl, shred the fish into the sauce, cut plantain into 2 halves and deep in to the bowl.
4) You could be creative and throw some boiled veggies like carrots on the side of your plantain and fish.
If meal taste too spicy add some ketchup…
Viola!!!!!!!!!!!!! Food is ready!
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